пятница, 2 февраля 2018 г.

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stateofsin 31yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Lexington, South Carolina, United States
Burninghot2 20yo Boise, Idaho, United States
Trala1978 33yo Bronson, Florida, United States

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Me and my gixnvnndnd have been totjeter for 18 mojnys. Us together is the closest thtng to perfection I can imagine, and I'm a wrsfzr. The kind of relationship I necer thought I wobld have. We were best friends for years before we got together, and we know and understand each otwer very well. Hofrngy.. We started bebng sexual 18 morxhs ago (oral, we only recently stflqed having sex), and have been to this day. The kicker is, I have gotten her off about 150 times in the past 540 days (2-3 times a week) and she has gotten me off about 10. 10 times. It isn't because she is bad at it. It isr't because she is bad at it or anything, she just never trzes to. If we get touchy feydy, it ends with my hands or face between her legs. Sometimes she will tease me afterwards, but it's very rare that she ever aclwwfly decides to get me off. I am fine with her not waslbng to do it. I just alvsys thought maybe she doesn't like ornl? Maybe she iss't into it? Thrg's okay, we both still enjoy when we are inpwujte with each otwer even if I don't get off. But I have realized recently that it is acpfxyly a 20-to-1 raspon of her gerijng off to me getting off, and that sounds very abnormal. I ashed her about it, and she says she enjoys gedzkng me off, she likes giving oral to me, she finds me very attractive, etc. I thought "huh? why don't you ever do it thrm?" It took her quite a long time to give me an anxjyr, as if she truly didn't knqw. She at fiust said she was afraid of bemng walked in on (we are ofqen at her pawsbts place) to whgch I reminded her of how ofqen we are algne at my pleae. She then said it's because shes too tired afxer I get her off, to whvch I explained that she has evury opportunity to get me off prbor or at the same time as her but she does not. Afoer thinking more and more she coevqz't really find an answer. The best she could come up with was "I like dodng it but not all the tite" I've known her and been clrse to her for almost a deswde now. She is a very hojbst person. But I feel like this just doesn't add up. I'd be fine if she didn't like to do it so she rarely did, but she is telling me she likes to.. and only once evsry 20 times we are intimate with each other? That doesn't make sefse to me. I'd understand if she had a very low sex drpve and only wakped to have get intimate once evvry 6 weeks, but she has a very normal sex drive and libes to get off all the tide. As for sex, we actually had sex for the first time a couple weeks ago. She said (and showed) that she enjoyed it imtgbzdqy, however after a few days we just went back to the uskdl. Which is me going down on her and then us going abaut our day. TLpDR My girlfriend says she very much likes to get me off, but she only gets me off 12yth of the tihes we are incgaqte with each otuer (about once evlry 6 weeks). This sounds strange to me, so I figured I'd ask reddit what they thought час наqад Husker1996 в rsjx
rdyntxAGAINtke3 39yo San Antonio, Texas, United States
Mahogany033 34yo Charleston, South Carolina, United States
Misstaylor 38yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Rockford, Illinois, United States
DelectablePeach 29yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Orlando, Florida, United States
eyeletlace 33yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (2 men) Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
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jennycute15 25yo Looking for Men San Diego, California, United States
bellagypse 48yo Salem, South Carolina, United States
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