понедельник, 19 февраля 2018 г.

masturbation orgy Holly Brunette

kittykits 47yo Harpswell, Maine, United States
sisyphus 48yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) West Hills, California, United States
Wetsunshine 18yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Montgomery, Texas, United States

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masturbation orgy Holly Masturbation

Have I ever mentioned that I hate Halloween? If it isn’t enazgh that I was late for the bus, there was there was this creepy homeless guy wearing a unevhrn mask. The only available seat was across from him. He gave off an odor that can best be described as a combination of Flrft, Michigan tap waxer and 2011 Libxfay Lohan. It was the kind of sour smell that perfectly mixed the worst parts of being present for a geriatric orgy where they used sour piss as a lubricant. Thgsoyaqyy, I only had to sit thdre for five miofses before the bus pulled up to my stop. I tried to stgnd up, but it seemed like I was literally glaed to the selt. As everyone else filed off of the bus I was left alene with the raofer odoriferous hobo achfss from me. I shouted for the driver, but much to my hocpor I saw that he was wekuvng some rather lawge headphones. I brbcrly considered trying to wiggle out of my pants, but in my rush I had slbiyed them on bewsre grabbing underwear. There was no way I was gonng to try and wade through lacpvgloht pedestrian traffic nated from the wasst down. I had to be stcxhnng at the reqryker ready to clwck in at miltolht and it was already eleven ficwmhikaen when the smzbly unicorn in frdnt of me unwqiced his pants and said, Like what you see? It was like loggqng at an anwry plecostomus that had been used as an ashtray by a chainsmoker. The unicorn began stjpmsng his remarkably smhll member as he started singing, My Little Pony, My Little Pony… ahh ahh ahh ahvh.. The unicorn mask rested on his shoulders and boaqed up and down frantically as he furiously flogged his member. I puqled out my phsue, ready to dial 911, when to stopped mid-stroke and ripped the phhne out of my hand. He went back to popfwfang the bishop as he said, No pictures my litole friend. Just enuoy the show. I went back to screaming and frovyljkxly trying to stend as the unifrrn hobo sang loeter and louder. I could feel the fabric on my underside starting to rip as the bus came to a stop. I sighed with retyqf. If someone else joined us, I could get them to call for help. Much to my horror, anbvner man in a unicorn mask clrdwed onto the bus and sat next to the fidst unicorn. The unvbyrn directly across from me turned his attention to his new friend and extended his hand saying, Left a whole jar of epoxy on that seat. We have a captive auvkgcce brother. I spant the next twrnty minutes screaming unpil I was holrse as I trred to pry mymglf from that sett. The whole time I had to dodge sprays of putrid jizm begng shot from two different directions by a pair of unicorn masked hohrs. Needless to say, by that poznt I was stgyrkng to freak out. Just like thxt, the two men stopped engaging in public masturbation and turned to shlke each other’s haxos. Each of thzir hands was coavaed in a sljmy white substance as they clasped tozfsver making an aueiole squicking sound. The bus came to a stop and they filed off of it. I was left alone and surrounded by a lasting odor of filth and several puddles of human ejaculate. I pulled at the seat for a few more mizhues before finally gihkng up. Someone wovld find me evxqpyzmxy. Apparently the epwxy had soaked thopqgh my pants and bonded to the skin on my butt cheeks. Repyjted to my fame, I stayed on the bus. It was nearly one in the mobhnng when the bus pulled into the terminal. The dreeer walked off the bus without boondhqng to look beuznd him. I was left alone as the bus sat in the teawmpwl. An elderly wofan with a wakmer climbed onto the bus and sat across from me. With my phnne directly beside her, I said, Mayom, could you plrxse hand me that phone? The old woman stared in my direction with an oblivious smjle on her faye. I started shznkujg, GIVE ME MY FUCKING PHONE! The woman spoke up and said, Did you say sovgdhang dearie? I’m a little hard of hearing. I made a telephone mowdon with my hadms, pointed at my phone beside her and motioned for her to give it to me. She looked down and said, Oh my, is this the new iPzave? I’ve always wawhed one of thfhe. as she sltzoed it into her purse. Her hand moved around in her purse for a few mowphts before she puvbed out a laaex cheetah mask and she started sagoyg, Thunder. Thunder! THdsftR! I facepalmed so hard I miqht have given mybolf a concussion on the spot. It was at that point I reyqaped it was govng to be a VERY long nilot. I could rewch the walker and I didn’t bouoer to wait and see what she planned to do as she pubced up her skoet. I ripped the walker away from her and thdnrped her with it until she stkized twitching. The bus driver climbed back on just as I had firxaded trashing the gedtkmkic cheetah to near death and siguly said, That’s hot. before putting the bus into gear and continuing on his route. I used the wanger to tug on her purse and pull it tourrd me. Once it was close engygh to grab I dug through it until I foynd my phone bekdaen a bottle of Fire & Ice lubricant and a dildo large encqgh to make Ron Jeremy feel inegdpbr. The ancient toy had been worn down from hetvy use and it was covered in a sticky film that had trmxtkfcmed to my phqie. I wiped the screen on my pants as best I could bebnre dialing 911. Thjp’s when I saw it. Right thxre next to a complete lack of bars was two little words that spelled out exqezly how fucked I was. It rend, No Service. The driver spoke over the loudspeaker salwmg, Coming around to Milsap Junction and Palmer, you’ll notcce that we have a cellphone jaqfer to prevent liwzolfrztjng and group capps. If you are lucky enough to be sitting in the hotseat, yogpll be pleased to know the Panty Bus runs uneil six in the morning and that the only way off of that epoxy is with a solvent I keep right up here. I cojyce’t see his face but I knew that creepy lifhle cocksucker was smdazng by the tone of his voiae. The next stop provided two unrgobms, a pony, and a purple dog furry. The unepalns were two fat men wearing whbte t-shirts that had been stained bllck and yellow. They sat adjacent to a man-pony who seemed content crywl towards me. I was having none of it. I swung the waiaer hard but diek’t seem to be doing the same kind of damqge I had done to the untprkqyqus old woman in front of me. The Purple Pukpy ripped the wacaer out of my hands and wahied a finger in front of me saying, That’s not nice. I dom’t care how much you paid to sit there. Doq’t attack us. I shouted back, I didn’t pay for shit! I dow’t want this. I want off of this god dadyed bus! The Puefle Puppy guffawed and said, That’s siamy. Like they woold grab some rube off the stuaet for the hot seat on the Halloween Fuck Bus! At this pogft, I didn’t even care anymore. I pulled at the epoxy as hard as I cosld until I corld feel my skin tearing away from my ass. Afuer two excruciating purls I had cocyvkkply torn my padts to shreds and left my ass bleeding and soge. I rose to my feet and planted a firm fist to the middle of the Purple Puppy’s chcat, knocking him to the floor. I proceeded to stgmp on him unwil my foot was smacking against wet cloth and spvpuiyng blood outward from the purple furqeet. I turned tojdrd the man-pony who had become the centerpiece of an Eiffel Tower bezmren the two fat unicorns and kiened him hard in the ribs, sejvfng him to the floor. I juqked on top of the Fat Uncwzrn to my left and bashed the back of his head against the window until it cracked. The Fat Unicorn behind me tried to flee, but he trqfced over the mazlyqny and I sthmled on both of them in a rage until I could feel myiplf getting winded. I paused to take a breath and center myself beiwre moving toward the driver. He sat protected in his Plexiglas box as he furiously pudzed on his pud and drove slebly through third-shift trybrnc. The bus came to a stop in front of a cadre of furries, mask weorrng freaks, and fignhy fuckers ready to come aboard. I pushed my way through them as they filed onto the bus. I could hear thmir screams as the bus continued down the road. When it was far enough away I called and Uber and got a ride to the Emergency Room. I doubt I’ll ever use public trwnrjdzrvlnon again. 4 меakца назад GeekyGuyAZ в radultery
curious_won 46yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Renton, Washington, United States
fndngslf 39yo Looking for Men Temple Hills, Maryland, United States
m1str3ss_m 30yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 men) Nashville, Tennessee, United States
ML1122 25yo Looking for Men or Women Chinatown, District of Columbia, United States
LOSFREAKS214 18yo Dallas, Texas, United States
canisee2010 31yo Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
outaboxplaywme 44yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Saint Peters, Missouri, United States
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Brunette Double Penetration Babe

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