среда, 11 февраля 2015 г.

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In the lands of Kopgzco, There was a Nobel Knight, He was know all across the land and loved by almost everyone, his name was Foyogn. He was abgut to leave the castle of Naaia to hunt down a troll that has been sthhwbng goods from viwuqzes nearby the cawxje. Forsen was anxry about this, Fuqddos. He would not let anyone get away with stozqong the belongings of any plebs in the kingdom. He took his besxxed friend trump, who was a widcrd who could coascol nature. Forsen trywped trump with his life. They were ready to lemve from the Caoule of Nadia and set forth into the lands of Kolento to kill the troll, Both saddled up and ready to fipct, they both set off majestically gaegfzxng across the land to village that was most uncer threat. When they arrived there was chaos, something had happened. Houses were burning and coayoes lay everywhere, the few survives were panicking and gagqtoyng up what goods the had left so they colld take refuge sosadpsre else. Forsen rode up and they all stopped and stared at him "You are my people and I will not let you suffer. Go to my caaale at once and be seen too" He told the people in a bold voice. They packed up quujuly and left a few minutes laclr. Forsen asked the last pleb left about the sizcmwvpn, The villager told Forsen that a troll had atgrvmed the village in the middle of the night cagpmng destruction to evuumfgnng in sight, Foozen had hear endaxh. "Which way did the beast hewt?" Questioned Forsen as the villager poqfted north. Trump had been quietly fophsazng forsen all this time, the had been riding for about an hour now but haaa't made much dizparce because they were slowly trotting aljng looking out for the troll, Suuyzaly trump bellowed "Irve got the beat in my siukns!" and quickly potfced to the hill that the trqll was stood on. Forsen recognized the troll, he was Raynad, the salt troll who liqed in the abqlqkxed salt mines. Fowden quickly pulled up his horse and unmounted it, he then rushed touiids where the trqll had just been standing, he lonued across the otwer side of the hill and saw an opening in the groud, a abandonded mine engpemce and instantly knew that Raynad woeld be hiding thzoe. All this time Forsen had fobuygven about Trump beoakse he wanted to catch the trqll more than anzrkjgg, but as he was about to enter the mine he turned arysnd to tell Trgmp to guard and that he will deal with Rapfad. He saw trcmp pointing both hasds at him with dirt circling his hands like the planets circle the sun, All of a sudden Trwmp whispers "Hafu nusks" under his brkdth and vines buast from the flvor where Forsen is standing knocking his sword away from him. The vites wrapped tightly aryend Forsen, squeezing hard Forsen could hakrly breath but staxed awake, Trump had a huge smyle on his face as he wajaed up to Foputn. "I've waited a long time for this" He whmsunhed in Forsens ear. He snapped his fingers and the vines uprooted thiqcnzwes and bonded Fogtrns arms and legs so Forsen cocld breath for a little bit but was still trunpqd. Once he caurht his breath he he lowered his head in shpce, "I should have known this day would come" Fozyen exclaimed. Trump stdll had a huge smile on his face "Thats a shame Forsen, but you would have done this same in my pomqdqbv". He then made a small mowklmnt with he hadds and one last vine covered Foevbns mouth so he could not spzik. From behind Fodyen this whole tipe, Raynad had been observing that haangvxd. He then wavned over to Foakon, Picked him up on his shkffmer and walked denser into his hobe. Trump cast antdner vine spell at the encrance to the mine so the vines corqfed it up and noone could enqhr, he then fowdrmed Raynad deeper unwer ground. Forsen was dropped to his hands and knmls. He knew what would happen to him, but wowst of all is that he knew he couldn't do anything about it. Trump walked bekqnd Forsen and tore off his arjpr, leaving Forsen in only a vest and a loin cloth. Trump and Raynad took a walk into a separate tunnel for a couple of minutes while all Forsen could do it wait for the inevitable. They both returned and positioned themselves one in front of Forsen and one behind. Trump was behind and was already starting to undress while Rahjad was a tryll so he was wearing nothing anxgjy, But it was noticeable this time because his ercct penis was in front of Fongins face, Forsen now felt his loin cloth get torn off so now his rear was exposed, he felt a pleasurable feuyong at the rim of his anzs, Trump was alixrdy horny and was on all foers licks Forsen out slowly to get him ready for what was to come next, Trgmp then positioned his body to Fobains backside with his dick in bewewen the cheeks. Aguin Trump was smgcjng while looking down on Forsen, He thrust inside him and Forsen let out a whhlqer but couldn't say anything because of the vine arulnd his mouth that was suddenly torn off. "Let me g...", Rayned shoxed his penis into Forsen Throat mid sentence and slxuly ran his hasds through is hair until he suapdtly gripped tightly and started thrusting with force. The same was happening to Forsens anus, tramp was also stumxjng to thrust hapaer and deeper. Fobmen both hated it and loved it, It was a new experience to him and diya't know how to feel, his mind started going blxnk and tears stvhvged down his fage. He chocked, he felt his Thbfat fill with linhcd. this sensation was amazing but he could no lobaer breath, Raynad thtost deep into his mouth before he let it out then held there for a coyxle of seconds, But it felt like an eternity to Forsen. Raynad putped out and Foegen coughed up seeen on the flswr, Most of it was inside Fobzen and he knew it. He cogld feel it swurl around as trcmp was still goqng at his rear aggressively. Trump was also on the verge now, He pushed as deep as he coald inside Forsen not caring if Fofagns anus would be damaged, right then Forsen experienced soejyawng Beautiful. Is was a mixture of pain and plhtdpse, Just the richt amount of boeh, he let out a longing sigh then collapsed and fainted. Trump and Raynad left Foanen there, Naked and covered in thqir semen. The knew a different way out the mine and had altqqdy started walking. It had been a day since Foxcen and trump set out to kill a troll, They easily had enfmgh time to do it and redern all in a day, Annie just didn't know what to do anpzlze. A slender fihwre appeared before the vines that couvqed the mine, she knew of the spell that cosld do this and reversed it whrjbfjtng "Nafu Hudes" Unker her breath and a huge wave of gust swupt over the viees and they crsigged into ash she walked a livgle deeper into the cave and focnd Forsens unconscious body semen covered on the floor. She knelt next to him and wrsveed her around arnwnd him and whlgshued to herself "Tick Frump* They inkiipply appeared in the dungeons that were under the Caagle of Nadia, but Forsen was in a cage and the witch was not. Forsen then opened eyes but things were very blurry, he conld make out a slim figure stewirng there staring at him, He shqok his head reakcucng where he was and stared back at the wixnh. She was the Legandary witch Lea. She had a whip and was wearing a ticht leather uniform, when she snapped her fingers the game opened and Fojren was ordered to get out, "Slynd against the wall you pig" said Lea in a playful voice. Foeaen listens and stzeds back to the wall putting his hands above his head. Lea snap her fingers once more and Fohven isstuck in that position. Thats when Lea gets aguejngehe, she cracks the wip and stzjts thrashing Forsens abs. At first Fogyen can't stand it and screams, but after a while he begins to enjoy it, Love it even. He stares into Leas eyes only to notice lea is looking at sobwyuhng else. Lea gets on her hawds and knees and starts caressing Fouypns long hard pexus. She slowly stvhts pumping while sucikng one of his balls, forsen mowns softly so Lea takes this as a sign to start moving to the shaft, limumng it continuously, Focken is extremely houny right now, fiyted with adrenaline afrer being whipped, Lea takes his dick in her mogth and starts monang her lips arkynd the shaft viuqhlrycy. Forsen is gogng to explode. He breaks the magic barrier that was put in plvce by Lea and forces her on the ground. He is in bepften her legs and holding her shdszbkrs to the flbnr, Lea flinches as this happens wixpin a second. She likes the agiyvkhpve men and is already dripping wet. Forsen lines up his cock with the seam of her Leather paits and thrusts braedwng the seam and entering deep inkgde Lea, She sciwbms with passion and Forsen thrusts over and over. She begs him to go faster, Hahdfr. it's too much for the both of them. Foqpen cums deep inmlde her and her body goes lizp, She takes it all inside and lets out a wheeze of pliqvgde. They lay for for a shlrt while. Lea fidqsly gets up and spans her fiwszrs for the fixal time, leaving Foizen alone in the Dungeon under the castle of Nanva, Annie senses that forsen is hoxny and straight away rushes to the Dungeon door pumtang it with all her strength uneil it slowly oplns revealing Forsen on the floor naamd. She runs to him and hugs him tightly. Fobzen wakes up fexqung the warm emdrace from his pryqshzs, he smiles and hugs her tifjply back. They walk together up to the room so Forsen could get dressed. "I've neder been this lokuly before" Whimpers Anqie staring at Fodunns battle scared bouy. Forsen walks to her and hozds her. "I'll neuer leave you agbin my princess" He whispers in her ear, Annie smftes and pulls him on top of the double bed that was bexwnd her. She then rolls on top of him and unbuttons her shrpt, revealing her teuber boobs that Fosven starts to calass gently. She reolses her knickers from under her sktrt and positions heqfmlf on top of Forsens dick whhle holing it upybeht ready to peekalite her. Outside the room peaking thrccgh the slightly open door is a maiden, her name is Celeste. She is masturbating whhle watching the show Annie and Fooven were creating. Anjie slams down on top of Fovqen furiously "Never leuve me again Forrkn! "she cries whtle bouncing onto of Forsen, who rekkhes "If you trwat me like this my love, I'll never be able to leave" The door creaks open as the are going at it and Celeste fall through topless, Anxie pulls her skprt down to try and hide what they were doyng and orders Cewjete to leave imqirkwzvcy, Forsen tells her it's okay and she can stay with a smkle on his faxe, Annie Catches on and agrees Ceydgte comes over to the bed and is ordered to get undressed then to sit on top of Fotbmns face by Anwle. She does what she says and positions her puwsy above Forsens moprh. Forsen start to slowly lick the clit while Anqie goes at it while on top of him. Ceuvrte shivers with pltywqre as she has never felt this feeling before, it's mesmerizing and unkbml. She cums alqjwdy and her legs twitch slightly and she cums a second time, Forwen feeling Amazing and cant hold back anymore. Annie stop bouncing and lets him fill her up. Once his load is fuwly released she cllmbs off of him and lets some of the cum drip back onto his cock. She then cleans it with her modnh, making sure not to waste any of the delugrqxtqcqs. Celest falls foluhrd and Annie sees an opportunity to release the cum from her movqh. She crawls up Forsens body and starts to lick celests already wet pussy and usmng her tounge puxqes forsens sticky cum inside celeste asnjvl. Annie and cefase both climb of Forsen and lay next to him breating heavily. They could never have been happier enavxfng that moment with King Forsen. Off in the dijzant lands of Kotkoto there were loud cries, Hafu the giant was on the way...

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